5 Tips On Negotiating Parenting Arrangements With Your Ex

In today’s episode of the podcast, Caralee Fontenele from the Collective Family Law Group delves into the complexities of negotiating co-parenting agreements. Her objective is to guide you towards minimising conflict and uncertainty, focusing instead on fostering harmonious arrangements for the benefit of your children.


Navigating such terrain isn’t always straightforward. However, the strategies discussed by Caralee can aid in turning a potentially turbulent journey into a smoother one. 


TUNE IN to gain insights on key tactics such as:


  1. Maintaining composure – remember, keeping your ‘cool’ is vital!
  2. Opting for direct communication – while it’s best to steer clear of text messages, emails or phone calls can be more effective.
  3. The art of listening – when the other party feels heard, it can significantly reduce the potential for disputes.
  4. Embracing compromise – remember, the focus should always be on your children’s best interests.
  5. Fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship – regardless of circumstances, you’ll remain parenting partners with your ex.


If you’re currently amid negotiations and seek expert advice, we invite you to visit us at Collective Family Law Group, one of the leading  family law firms gold coast  has to offer. Arrange a convenient time for a Zoom meeting by clicking the link here, or give us a call at 5574 0971. Our  family law solicitors gold coast  based offer a complimentary 45-minute initial consultation.


Remember to follow us on social media to stay updated with all things related to family law.


We invite you to join in and learn from our  divorce lawyer gold coast  expert, Caralee Fontenele, as she shares her wealth of knowledge on negotiating successful co-parenting agreements.



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Facebook: Collective Family Law Group

LinkedIn: Collective Family Law Group

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