Domestic Violence in Men

A survey of domestic violence data in Australia revealed that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men have experienced at least one incident of violence from a current or former partner since the age of 15.


Domestic violence occurs between people who are or have been in a close relationship. It can happen in heterosexual or same-sex relationships and to both me and women. Domestic violence and family violence can take many forms, this includes physical harm, initiation, threats, and emotional, mental, financial and psychological abuse.

When people think of domestic violence they tend to think of female victims, however, it is important to note that domestic violence can and does happen to both genders.

The issue with male domestic violence is that in a lot of cases, men are afraid to admit that they are in an abusive relationship and that they are being abused by a woman that they love.

For men and women alike, having a domestically violent partner can leave you depressed and anxious, and can increase your risk of having a drug or alcohol problem. Because men are traditionally thought to be physically stronger than women, men are often less likely to report domestic violence in a heterosexual relationship due to embarrassment and shame.


In some cases, the man is afraid that the woman will become more violent if they speak up, and if there are children involved they are worried that the mother might take the children and they will then become the object of her aggression.

Males can be scrutinised more heavily should they make a complaint of domestic violence.

Many men are not sure where to go for help.

Men who are fathers, stay in toxic relationships with their children.

When a person is abused, their self-worth and self-esteem can be low which makes it difficult for them to leave.

There are many other reasons that men stay in abusive relationships. For anyone who is in a domestically violent relationship, it is important to know that there are many options for the future and many services that are there to help.

Australia is very vocal in its intolerance to violence against women, but a lot of me feel that there isn’t really the same voice and messaging out there to protect the men who find themselves as victims of domestic violence.

As a family law firm in Gold Coast and Brisbane, we often meet men that are too afraid to speak out about the domestic violence that they have endured during and after their relationship. We are here to listen and give anyone going through domestic violence, solid legal advice on how to move forward with their life.

If you are in a domestically violent relationship there is a way out, and even if you don’t know what to do, we will.

Come in and have a family law consultation free chat with Collective Family Lawyers, we will handle your matter with sensitivity and discretion, and your initial consultation is FREE.

You may not know what to do

But We Will

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