Child Abduction Australia

Statistics show that Queensland had more than 80 cases in 2015 where one parent left Australia with a child or children without the other parent's consent.

Children being abducted by a parent or a family member is more common in Australia than you may think. Generally, this could happen when the parent or a family member is not satisfied with the current parenting arrangements and unilaterally decide to leave the area where the child resides, State or Australia.

When comes to the safety and well-being of your children, it is vital that you act quickly. If the other parent has taken your child without your consent, you should urgently contact us to seek legal advice about child abduction.

We take urgent steps to secure your child or children’s name on the airport watch list so that they cannot be removed from Australia. If children are taken outside of Australia, it can be very complicated and heartbreaking for the parent left behind, depending on what country they are taken to.

We are experts in child abduction and have years of experience in these types of matters. Don’t hesitate to act quickly to get the right legal outcome for you and your child or children.

Collective Family Law Are Experts in Resolving Matters Involving Child Abduction

We understand that an abducted child or children can be extraordinarily stressful and overwhelming for the other parent. However, not knowing the whereabouts of your child or children can become more challenging if you are unsure of the procedures needed to bring the child or children back home. Having the right family law firm on your side with experience in this complex area of family law is vital.

Collective Family Law Group has experience and expertise in parenting arrangement family law matters. It has the resources to take the urgent action required to ensure your child or children arrive back home.

We specialise in matters involving child abduction at a domestic and international level. Our expert and vastly experienced child abduction lawyers are always willing to handle even the most challenging matters. We can certainly help you take action and advise you of your legal position.

Request A Free Consultation

Complete the form below to request a consultation.

If you do not wish for your child to travel without your consent, the following procedure can be followed:

  1. Urgently complete the Family Law Watchlist Request Form; and
  2. Obtain a Court Order (parenting order) that prevents your child or children from travelling overseas; or
  3. Obtain a Court Order that limits your child or children from travelling; or
  4. Obtain a Court Order that prevents or limits your child or children from travelling as requested by the Australia Federal Police to place your child/children’s name to be added on the Airport Watchlist.

This situation is unfortunate; however, it does happen. So the question is: What do you do if this happens to you?

If your children have been removed or you have an indication or concern that the other parent may leave the country with your child or children, you need to immediately contact the police and Collective Family Law Group.

There are traditional legal avenues through the Family Court that can be taken to have the child or children returned. However, the process is not as challenging if the country where the child or children is taken is the Hague Convention signatory.

However, if the country is not a signatory, then Collective Family Law Group will help you to do what they can here in Australia and advise you on what else can be done to get your children back.

Contact Us at Our Brisbane or Gold Coast Office

For further information on child abduction – whether locally or internationally, feel free to Collective Family Law Group and discuss your matter with our friendly staff at (07) 5574 0971.

Book a consultation here with Collective Family Law Group
Contact us today to make an appointment to discuss your family law matters, or for further information on how we can assist you so that you can move on with your life with certainty and security.