Family Mediation Gold Coast

Family dispute resolution on the Gold Coast that saves time, money and stress.

When a relationship or marriage breaks down, it can leave the very complex issue of dividing up the life you’ve built together. Divorce or separation is an emotional time, and getting the right legal advice is imperative in moving forward.

Collective Family Law Group on the Gold Coast, can assist you with mediation or your family dispute resolution needs. When it comes to dividing up property, money, assets, and most importantly, how your children will spend their time, it can be easier, less expensive, and less painful if parties can reach an agreement with the assistance of a mediator.

What is a family dispute resolution?

Essentially, family dispute resolution is mediation. It is a chance for ex-partners to discuss the division of property, money, assets and most of all child custody before it gets to court. The mediator must be an impartial third party that is accredited in family dispute resolution that assists with managing the process without bias.

Divorce/separation is a difficult time, made more complex by the division of belongings, property and the sensitive issue of parenting arrangements. The most favourable outcome is for the parties involved to negotiate and agree on a final outcome without the need for litigation or going to Court.

If both parties can come to a mutually beneficial outcome, it saves time, and money and in many cases a lot of heartaches.

What does family dispute resolution involve?

At Collective Family Law Group on the Gold Coast, our family lawyers will help you with family dispute resolution. They will manage the process of helping you, and your ex-partner agrees on the division of money, assets, property and, more importantly, child custody.

Firstly, you will meet with our family lawyer to receive advice on what you are entitled to regarding parenting arrangements. Then, we will arrange a private mediation for you and your ex-partner. If your ex-partner refuses to attend the mediation for parenting matters, you will be issued a 60i certificate.
The benefits of using a private mediator rather than a government-funded option are enormous, including having a mediation arranged very quickly and being in the care of an expert with many years of family law experience.

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What if an agreement is not made, is family dispute resolution necessary?

If a favourable outcome can’t be reached you can only move to the next stage of applying for a parenting order through the courts under the Family Law Act, 1975, with a S601 certificate that shows that you have tried to the best of your ability to resolve the dispute prior to court proceedings. So, yes, it is a mandatory part of the process.

The only time a family dispute resolution is not necessary is in the case of an urgent application or domestic violence cases.

Is family dispute resolution private?

Everything discussed with the family dispute resolution mediator is private. No information from the mediation can be used in court.

The only time the information from these meetings can be used against the parent is if there domestic violence or abuse of any kind mentioned.

Collective Family Law Group on the Gold Coast  want the best for your family

Our family dispute resolution service is a discreet, respectful and professional service, that gives you and your family the chance to work out an arrangement that works for you. By managing the process with sensitivity and understanding, we hope to achieve a happy outcome for Gold Coast families.

Book a consultation here with Collective Family Law Group
Contact us today to make an appointment to discuss your family law matters, or for further information on how we can assist you so that you can move on with your life with certainty and security.