Relocation of Children

Parenting arrangements and child custody gets complicated when it comes to relocation issues.

Families move around nationally and internationally more and more these days. Many parents are faced with the dilemma that upon separation, one of the parties wants to move home closer to their support network with the children, either interstate or internationally. This is where parenting arrangements and child custody can get messy and very complex.

The Family Law Act ensures that parents cannot relocate with children without first obtaining the consent of the other parent. If they can’t reach an agreement, then the next step would be to make an application to the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court to seek orders from the Court to relocate with your child or children.

If a parent relocates and takes the children without obtaining the other parent’s consent or Orders from the Court, the Court can make Orders for the child or children to be returned. This is where parenting arrangements can become complex and unfortunately, the children are always in the middle.

Collective Family Law Group on the Gold Coast can assist you in any relocation matter you may face. Our team of family law solicitors will be able to advise you of the likelihood of the Court making Orders to allow the relocation of your children, help you to negotiate with the other parent, make an application to the Court on your behalf, or make an urgent application to prevent a unilateral relocation of your child or children.

It is very important that you receive the right legal advice regarding your children, their welfare, and their living arrangements.

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