5 Things to Expect When Splitting From Your Partner

Divorce and separation can be emotionally challenging and complex, requiring careful consideration and guidance. The expert divorce lawyers Gold Coast at Collective Family Law Group understands the difficulties you may face during this time and are here to provide the support and expertise you need. 

By familiarising yourself with these considerations, you can better navigate the journey ahead and make informed decisions prioritising your well-being and legal rights.

  1. Expect to feel every emotion, sometimes all in one day. Your emotions can vary from day to day, minute to minute. But rest assured, time is a healer, and it will get easier.
  2. You might need to re-join the workforce, or you might be finding life on your own comes with a tight budget. Making these adjustments in your life will only make you stronger and more independent. You might initially feel uncomfortable, but you will learn to adjust and budget as time passes.
  3. Your ex-partner’s behaviour is not something you can control. During the divorce, you might find that everything your ex is doing is to make your life more difficult. You might not be able to control their behaviour, but you can remain composed and keep your dignity intact.
  4. Your children might struggle with the separation. Whilst it’s hard for you, imagine how hard it Is for the children. Their parents have split, and they must now live between two homes. Both homes might be lovely, but this does not always ease their unsettled feelings.
  5. You might lose friends. In some cases, mutual friends choose a side, and you might find them distancing themselves. Alternatively, you might find your married friends treat you differently, or as you enter this new phase of your life, you’re looking for something different from your friendships. Try and maintain a solid support base where possible.

Embarking on the journey of divorce or separation can be challenging. Still, you can navigate the process successfully with guidance and support from your best family law solicitors Gold Coast. At Collective Family Law Group, we provide comprehensive legal services tailored to your needs. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way, offering expert advice, compassionate support, and strategic solutions. 

Call Collective Family Law Group on the Gold Coast & Brisbane for your family law consultation free for your first 45-minute appointment and find out where you stand. Collective Family Law Group will handle your matter discreetly, sensitively and with the highest legal professionalism and respect you deserve.


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