5 Tips On Negotiating Parenting Arrangements With Your Ex

In today’s episode of the podcast, Caralee Fontenele from the Collective Family Law Group delves into the complexities of negotiating co-parenting agreements. Her objective is to guide you towards minimising conflict and uncertainty, focusing instead on fostering harmonious arrangements for the benefit of your children.   Navigating such terrain isn’t always straightforward. However, the strategies […]

Can a Child Decide Which Parent to Live With?


Divorce proceedings involving children necessitate a delicate balance, ensuring the child’s well-being while honouring the Family Law Act’s intent. The act emphasises a child’s right to maintain a meaningful relationship with both parents. However, the definition of ‘meaningful’ can vary based on individual family circumstances. While separated parents might sometimes concur on parenting arrangements, they […]

Safe and Together Training to Combat Domestic Violence – Podcast Episode 21

sae and together training

The Safe & Together training and model has been implemented by agencies in Australia already over the last about 7 years and the Federal Circuit Court and Family Courts are now jumping on board. Federal Circuit Court and Family Court Judges will undergo family violence-focused training. The safety of children and families is the highest […]

Lighthouse Project – A Safer Pathway For Families Experiencing Family Violence

The light House project australia

In an effort to assist families who have experienced family violence and safety risks to navigate the family law system, the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court of Australia have launched a new initiative called the Lighthouse Project. The project, which is being piloted in Brisbane, Parramatta, and Adelaide, is a three-part process that starts […]

The Different People That You May Need on Your Family Law Team

There can be many different types of people, services and roles that you may come across when you are going through a family law matter in Australia. Unless you are a lawyer or even a family lawyer, it can be difficult to understand who you need on your family law team to get the outcome […]

What is a Child Passport Alert?

As some of the best family law solicitors on the Gold Coast, we regularly field queries from parents concerned that their ex-partner might take a child overseas without their consent. One of the first questions we ask is whether the child has a passport. If the child doesn’t yet have a passport, we suggest that […]

Contravention or Breach of Parenting Orders

child at the beach

Parenting Orders made either by agreement/consent or made by the Court must be complied with by both parties until the child turns 18. Unfortunately, we have seen many circumstances where one parent chooses not to comply with the Orders. The impact of the breach or ‘contravention of the Orders will depend on the severity of […]

What to Consider Before Signing Consent Orders for Final Parenting Orders

mom and daughter

Discussing and reaching agreement on the parenting arrangements for your child or children is a difficult task within itself. You may have ideas in your mind of what you would like the arrangements to be, which may or may not be in line with the other parent’s views on what is best for the children.  […]

Equal Shared Parental Responsibility on Care Arrangements

woman in a farm

In parenting proceedings before, pursuant to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (as amended) (“the Act”), the Family Law Courts in Australia Courts are required to apply a rebuttable presumption that it is in the child’s best interest for the parents of the child to have equal shared parental responsibility for the child. This applies […]