How can a Legal Loan help with your Family Law Matter?

Welcome to another episode of our podcast with Director Caralee Fontenele, where we delve deeper into the crucial topic of ‘Legal Funding’ and how it can empower you to move forward with your Family Law Matter. Following on from our previous episode ‘Clarity is what you need,’ we understand you might have now gained clarity but are concerned about your financial readiness to pursue your case.

Navigating through the intricacies of family law, especially if you’re grappling with matters related to child custody, divorce, or even domestic violence on the Gold Coast, can be emotionally taxing and financially draining. However, here at Collective Family Law Group, we believe everyone should have access to legal justice, regardless of their financial circumstances. This is where Legal Funding plays a pivotal role.

Legal Funding is a unique lending model designed exclusively to cover your legal fees. It operates on criteria distinct from standard bank loans, does not require a weekly or monthly payment, and is typically finalised at the end of your case. It could potentially be secured against the sale of your property or your financial settlement, offering a practical solution to individuals who might not have ready finances.

As some of the best family lawyers on the Gold Coast, we appreciate the financial burden separation can impose. Therefore, we’ve aligned with JustFund and Plenti, offering two types of Legal Loans that aim to alleviate the stress of fronting your legal fees.

In this episode, Caralee Fontenele, one of the most respected family law solicitors on the Gold Coast, will guide you through the different options for Legal Loans and discuss their benefits in detail.

Whether you need a divorce lawyer, a child custody lawyer, or a lawyer for dealing with a de facto prenuptial agreement in Australia or a de facto property settlement in Queensland, you can always count on our professional team at Collective Family Law. We offer a FREE initial appointment, where we can explore the best possible Legal Funding options tailored to your circumstances.

If you’re looking for family law firms on the Gold Coast that provide free consultation, we’d love to invite you to our offices in Gold Coast, Brisbane, and Cleveland, or schedule a zoom meeting at your convenience. Please visit our website at or call us on (07) 5574 0971 to book your appointment.

– Instagram: @Collective_Family_Law
– Facebook: Collective Family Law Group
– LinkedIn: Collective Family Law Group

We look forward to assisting you in your journey towards legal resolution and invite you to join us in this enlightening podcast episode.

You may not know what to do

But We Will

Book a Free Initial Consultation
Meet us to talk about your family law issues before committing to paying for any legal fees. We believe that this way, you can see if you are comfortable with our team and the legal strategy that we propose prior to making a financial commintment.