Pre-action Procedures (mediation/S60I Certificate)

Going through negotiations regarding your family and the parenting arrangements is not always a smooth sailing process. Often we find clients reach a certain point where negotiations between themselves and the other parent are not progressing and you might be at a stalemate.   You may have thought about going to Court regarding your parenting […]

Check List – Before You Leave the Family Home

If you are the one that is leaving the family home, it is important that you put a few things in place and be as prepared as possible. It can be difficult to predict how things will unfold throughout your separation as emotions can be high. It is safest to assume that once you leave, […]

How Do I Know When To Fight And When To Settle My Case?

Going to Court for your family law matter can be costly, time-consuming, and stressful. Therefore, it is usually beneficial to settle before commencing Court proceedings so you can move forward with your life sooner with clarity and certainty. SETTLING YOUR FAMILY LAW MATTER There are various ways you can settle your family law matter. You […]

Choosing Positive Paths After Domestic Violence

Families go through tough times. They argue and fight. But when it becomes violent and abusive behaviour, it’s not OK. Children raised in a home where they don’t feel protected could suffer from mental illness and have a poor physical and emotional life later on in adulthood if they have been exposed to domestic violence. […]

Staying Out of Court in Your Family Law Matter

Are you going through a difficult separation or divorce? You’re not alone. Many families find themselves in this situation and it can be a highly emotional and stressful time. At Collective Family Law Group we understand that going to court is not always the best solution.  That’s why we are committed to helping you resolve […]