How To Get a Divorce – Podcast Episode 29

This week, we have Dannielle Young on the Divorce Collective Podcast talking all about DIVORCE!

Dannielle will be diving into all topics, from when you can get a divorce to what happens on the day you attend court and how you can actually get a divorce. This podcast will help you file divorce without having the legal costs of a lawyer to do that for you.

Here at Collective Family Law Group, unlike many law firms, we will tell you when you might not actually need a lawyer at all – we want to help you no matter what situation you are in!

  • What do you need to divorce in Australia?
  • Where do you find the Application for divorce?
  • How long must you wait until you can apply for a divorce and receive your divorce certificate?
  • What type of divorce Applications can be made?
  • Do both parties need to agree to a divorce?
  • What happens once you file for a divorce?
  • What information will a Registrar need to be satisfied with to grant your divorce?


Separation and getting a divorce isn’t always a pleasant experience, however, we challenge you to reframe your mindset. Divorce is a time to reset and recharge, ready for the next chapter in your life. Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some of them come to clear you a path forward! Divorces are sometimes very simple!

For the DIY divorce kit that Dannielle mentions in the podcast, please click here. 

Otherwise, if you would like to know if you will need a lawyer or not, come in or meet via Zoom with one of our lawyers. We offer a free initial consultation, so you can gain clarity, understanding and move forward with your life. Call us on 5574 0971 or click here to arrange a time that will suit you.

Until then, remember – you have got this!

You may not know what to do

But We Will

Book a Free Initial Consultation
Meet us to talk about your family law issues before committing to paying for any legal fees. We believe that this way, you can see if you are comfortable with our team and the legal strategy that we propose prior to making a financial commintment.