What Can You Do to End Domestic Violence?

Sadly, domestic and family domestic violence is a reality. One woman dies every week in Australia due to domestic Violence (White Ribbon, 2018), which includes different types of abuse such as physical, psychological, sexual, and financial. That is more than fifty women that die every year at the hand of their partner or ex-partner.

Overwhelmingly, in Australia, many of the adult victims are women, and from all walks of life. Many of the women affected by domestic violence are affluent, strong women with solid support networks and a good understanding of their rights. Of course, women in lower socio-economic circumstances are especially vulnerable, given how much harder as they have less financial means, it can be for them to leave an abusive relationship, especially if they have children. But it can happen to anyone, including though less so, men.

When caught in the tangled web of domestic violence, it can be challenging to seek help or make the crucial decision to protect oneself. Our divorce lawyers Gold Coast and Gold Coast domestic violence lawyers are well-versed with the Australian legal system, making them adept in helping individuals obtain the necessary protective orders from the court.


You can only put an end to domestic violence when you recognise it. Unfortunately, many people fail to understand that they are a victim of domestic violence. It is a very confronting situation to find yourself in, particularly if you are a strong, independent individual.

Here are some types of behaviour that contribute to domestic violence:

  • Physical abuse involves different actions such as assault on the body, destruction of property, and dangerous driving;
  • Emotional abuse involves behaviours and actions that undermine the victim’s self-esteem and self-worth;
  • Sexual abuse includes sexual activity without consent, sex without protection, forceful sex, and sexually degrading the partner;
  • Social abuse happens when a partner socially alienates the other partner;
  • Verbal abuse includes verbal humiliation and attacks to undermine your partner’s personality and self-esteem such as sending abusive texts or emails and telling lies about you;
  • Economic abuse happens when a partner takes control of all finances, restraining access to a bank account for another partner; and
  • Any behaviour that is threatening or intimidating.


It is very brave to seek help and it is very sensible to protect yourself from domestic violence. Having a clear head helps you to make important life decisions.

Here is what you can do if you are in any immediate danger or are already a victim of domestic violence in Australia.


If you think you are a victim of domestic violence, it is really important that you take all the steps you need to obtain a protective order from the court. At Collective Family Law Group, we are experts in helping people obtain the right protection orders.

In some states, this is called an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order and in others, it is legally known as Domestic Violence Order. The terms vary, depending on your circumstances, but generally, these are enforceable directions to an abusive partner to keep them away from you and prevent them from hurting or threatening you.

Here are your options or paths to obtain these orders against your violent partner:

  • If you find yourself in danger or there is an altercation, call the police immediately who will take out an Order on your behalf;
  • Attend the police station or local Court registry to file your own application for orders; or
  • Seek legal advice to file an application for a Domestic Violence Order.


It could be overwhelmingly difficult to leave a situation where you feel unsafe and unhappy. To combat this scary situation, it’s important to get support along with talking to the police and getting protective orders. Contact us at Collective Family Lawyers to consult with experts on the steps to take during domestic violence.

Talk to someone you trust. Get your friends involved and tell your co-workers about your situation.


If you are a victim of domestic violence, it is important to keep believing in yourself. Domestic violence can easily shake your confidence and self-esteem. You may find it easy to blame yourself for everything that has resulted in abuse.

Never blame yourself. It is ‘wrong’ for someone to hurt you or threaten you. The best way forward is to believe in you and take necessary action instead of taking the blame.


Recognising and taking action against domestic violence is important. No one has the right to hurt you or your children in any way or expose your children to violent, abusive behaviour. When you are a victim, there are clear pathways to protect yourself, such as going to the police to file a complaint and obtaining protective orders from the court. We understand this is easier said than done for many victims. Believe in yourself and start a new life without your abusive partner.

COLLECTIVE FAMILY LAW GROUP understands how daunting it can be to face such situations alone. That’s why we’re here to provide you with the necessary support you need throughout this challenging journey. Reach out to us for a FREE INITIAL FAMILY LAW CONSULTATION.

Tune into our podcast, where we discuss these matters in depth with our family law solicitors Gold Coast. You’re not alone in this fight; let’s take this step together towards a safer tomorrow.

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